Thursday 8 November 2012

Its All In The Differences

These guys come in their black suits and ties, sit in front of their computers and its pitch dark screens, I think its called a DOS screen, and type some curious text messages that appear on the screen as white characters or inverted.  Eyes are glued to the screen as the screen scroll with an occasional message appearing in green, what are they up to, I have wondered often ?

Are they some kind of mythical characters, I believe that to be false, but I do see them as people in search of messages from our ancestors high above in the sky.  Messages that are encrypted and available to only the select few who have passed the challenge.  The challenge it must be, for whenever I sit in front of the dark screen my gravity goes for a toss, I can feel it on my hands as I type on the keyboard, almost as if the bodies of the ancestors that lie in their tombs are feeling the oppressive heat and pressure of what has passed over them.

This world we live in is just that, a wooden casket, we move from one tomb to another as we pass from our present life to the nether life, whenever I feel this pressure build up in my head, I try and move from one tomb to the other.  Didn't I hear a friend of mine tell me that always keep your heart above your head.  This world you live in is a fake, it comes with its commercialism and trashing of genuine process that advocates freedom of thought.  My mind must be free for it to revel in the beauty of the trees surrounding your locale, I can feel your will to soar the sky like me, take thoughts to a new level of intricacy and feel where the pressure points are.
82E1BAAD .. isn't that the da vinci code


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