Thursday 7 September 2017

Are you a successful dating person

Dating is a social game that all humans indulge in or would like to indulge in, it is a precursor to larger things, in some cases marriage itself.  Here are 7 pointers to finding out if you are a successful at dating most of the times and what constitutes a successful date.

7 pointers that say that you are successful dating person :

1.  Does she tell you every time after the date that it was good.
2.  You rarely need ice breakers, you are comfortable talking.
3.  Your partner hardly notices the location, you are so good at making her feel comfortable.
4.  You rate yourself every time without any other motivation but to find out how good you are.
5.  You have never rated yourself less than 8/10.
6.  Word gets around that you are good.
7.  You decide the places. locations, food cuisine etc before the date, you believe in planning.

You need a good date for your self esteem, go for it.


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